Li X Sakura Cardcaptor. Fourteen-year-old Sakura starts junior high school along her friends, including Syaoran, who had just returned to Tomoeda. He is introduced as Sakura's rival for the Clow Cards but they gradually becomes friends and close allies.
See more ideas about sakura, sakura card, cardcaptor sakura.
Fourteen-year-old Sakura starts junior high school along her friends, including Syaoran, who had just returned to Tomoeda.
A page for describing YMMV: Cardcaptor Sakura. Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card starts at the point where Cardcaptor Sakura ends, when Sakura Kinomoto starts junior high school alongside her friends, including her new boyfriend Syaoran, who had just returned to Tomoeda. Li Syaoran thought confessing his love was the last goal - until he realized Tomoyo Daidouji wasn't quite ready to share least not without some repercussions.
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